Well, we should have been in Alaska this week...but with the border closed...🤷♀️
Figured we’d take a few short trips...this was the first...Just four nights..it was a seven hour Drive..
First full day, Bob went to play golf. Buffy and I got ready to explore. The river was right across the street, but couldn’t really get a good view or easily get down to it, unless we went up or down a little ways so we did both.

To get to the first trail, go down the exit road. It’s right beside the dumpsters and dump station...if you follow the right hand path it comes out across from the short path that goes to the bridge and dam....if you cross the bridge you come to the other section of the park and the waterfall trail.
This is the boating area....also another campground...down the street is the bridge, dam, and mill.

This is the river from the entrance road...to get here walk up from campground one (lots 1-89) it’s off to the side on the Right...if you look you’ll see several paths down to the rocks...
We also walked down to the road and went over to the other section of the park where the boat dock, dam, and old mill are.
Full Day Two, I went to the Atlanta zoo...it was a mess...The GPS took me to the new entrance which wasn’t finished...there were no signs anywhere...I parked on the street and wandered around the street about 30 minutes...no entrance..no signs..no one knew...finally a jogger I met as I was giving up and heading back to my car, gave me directions...wasn’t really a great zoo...exhibits were okay and roomy, just not much to see...
Across the street from the payment booth are the two walk ways to the waterfall...I personally wouldn’t call it a waterfall..more of some mild rapids...the left hand path is a steep, longish trail to the river...it dead ends so you have to go back the same direction...there is also a path (pretty close to the beginning) that leads to a dead end of brush...I think someone moved the markers there...
Then The right hand path, has steps and rails straight down to the water..