Vicksburg, MS
A bit disappointing...

After we set up, I took Buffy walking around the park, they didn’t have a fenced in pet area, but there was a wide area of grass all the way around the outside. There were trees and pretty places with flowers like this one.

After we set up and ate, we called the free shuttle bus and two minutes later it was out front to pick us up and take us to the casino. It was pretty cool, a real building but built completely on stilts in the Mississippi River.

I can't remember when we lost so much so fast, tho. The slot machines really didn't like us here. So we didn't stay long. And we didn't go back.
The next day Bob played golf, I dropped him off at the Vicksburg Country Club (They let out of town people play, even if they aren't members); While Buffy and I went into town, looking for the historical walking trails.
We started at the outdoor murals by the train station. They were pretty cool.

We walked the whole length then got in the car to look for more neat stuff. Downtown was kind of disappointing though. Didn't see anywhere that tempted me to park and explore. Kind of run down with lots of empty stores. Did get a couple shots of the Mississippi River that were nice.

The bridge was actually right across the street from the RV park.
Buffy and I walked over and then we went the other way, down the street, to where they had a small memorial from the civil war. The picture of me by the cannon at the top of the blog entry is from the little memorial area.
It started raining again the next day, so I went
to Walmart for a few things and then we pretty much just stayed in, it cleared up a bit so we could hook the car up and we cleaned up and waited the day out, hoping for a better day tomorrow. Unfortunately, it was storming pretty bad by the time we got up and we had to wait until almost nine until the rain was light enough to get out on the road
Vicksburg country club.

I absolutely love it when the medians and sides of the roads are covered.

This is a shot of the side of the road in Louisiana. No flowers because it was flooded out from all the rain.

Bob has done all the driving so far, so as he drove I crocheted. I managed to make one doily each 6 hour drive.
We safely arrived at our next destination in good time, but couldn't do much setting up. There was a tree in the way, and pretty tight spots. But, that's for another day.

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