Sunday, May 27, 2018

We Are Off Again

New camper...New adventure

We traded our one year old tiny travel trailer in for a 27 ft. class A Jayco.  More room...yeah. Scarier to drive...oh, yeah.

Here it is setting at our first practice run.

First things first. I did not like the ugly brown curtains and ‘upholstery’ Who picks this stuff anyway? It’s awful.  I decided to make it my own.
I started with the dining area.  It came looking like below.

I thought the seats were ugly and uncomfortable.  I collect Coke stuff, I decided to quilt and pad covers for them.  I also added matching curtains. Then pulled out my coke dishes and a few decorator items.

I love it.  Later I realized the table cloth got in the way and actually put it away.  I might decoupage the table top next year with coke trading cards.

I thought the kitchen area would look okay to match, and as I have tons of kitchen Coke stuff, I went for it.  Love it, too.

Now off to the sitting area.

I thought about covering this seat, too. But, I had a quilt I'd made several years ago just gathering dust.  I added some fabric to the sides and tossed it on. Then I covered the foot stool, made a couple of pillows and went through my fabric stash to find window fabric.  It's a little busy but it will do.

The bed room is left. (I spruced up the bathroom, but it's pretty much just hooks, racks, rugs, and towels)

I also had a frog quilt that needed a little bit of repair and it wasn't in use, so I fixed it and put it on the bed. I also had a frog wall hanging that I really liked. So I put it on the wall and back to my stash for some frog fabric for the windows.  All set.
Now the summer is booked.  28 stops. Let's practice a little.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can’t wait to see the decoupage table finish!