Thursday, May 31, 2018

Lakepoint Day Two

Rain had stopped by morning. I made a big breakfast. Here’s a shot of cooking an omelet in a tiny space.

After breakfast, Bob took the car off the trailer and I went into town to Walmart. Of course I forgot all three of the main reasons I went. *sigh

When I got back Bob decided to check out a local country club and ended up playing golf. Buffy and I explored some more of the trails. This is a big lake. All the trails led to water.

We found geese in the beach area. Most of the other animals must still be snuggled up away from the rain. The rain came back while I was cooking dinner. *sigh again.  

At least I found a few cool mushrooms, thanks to the rain.

Here are two. I’ll put the others on the flora and fauna page.

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