Unfortunately, another disappointing stop. Not that anything was wrong with the area, because we have no idea if anything was wrong, because we didn't really go anywhere because it was cold and then raining most of the two days/three nights we were there.
When we got there it was still raining so we set up best we could. No canopy, not only because of the rain but the site was too narrow and a big tree was in the way.

The next day it wasn't raining but it was cold and windy. I went to a couple of stores nearby, but it was too cold for golf, the zoo, or the gardens, which were the things on our to-do list. We hoped for a better day tomorrow. But by late afternoon, it was storming to beat the band. It Poured all night long, and most of the next day, which made for a miserable puppy. She really hates the 'thunderbooms'.
By late afternoon on our last day, it cleared up pretty nice, but it was too late to really do much of anything so Bob hooked the car and trailer up to the RV, I hung the outside rugs out to dry and we stayed in again. Hope this isn't a harbinger of things to come. We'll leave bright and early tomorrow morning heading for Amarillo with our fingers crossed.
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